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Backapp Backapp Hipp
We intend to change the world for sedentary people. The technology behind Backapp is unique in the world, which is proven by the fact that it is patented in many different countries.Our goal is to develop, manufacture and sell chairs that exercise the stabilizing muscles in your back while you sit, in order to help people achieve better health and well-being.Backapp products are designed and developed in Norway and manufactured in Anderstorp, Sweden.
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Backapp Hipp has the same unique Backapp technology as Backapp Smart. Ergonomic chair for offices, home offices, meeting rooms etc.

Hipp - The Backapp health effect available to everyone by use of modern technology. The ergonomic seat is soft and flexible. Backapp Hipp is made of recyclable materials, which easily can be dismantled for recycling.

On Backapp Hipp you sit with your feet on a footrest padded with a soft damping material. The sitting position and the gentle motion ensure a wonderful sitting experience. This is a chair that gives you something extra.

The gentle movement of the Backapp exercises the muscles that support the spine. The movement when sitting on the Backapp comes about because you constantly have to balance yourself.
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