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Rooftop Garden
Architects: Ark-Net
Year: 2016
Area: Unknown
Location: Kjøita, 4630 Kristiansand, Norge
Located on the island of Kjøita, Kristiansand in Norway, this luxurious terrace stretches over 100m2 at the top of a new multifamily apartment building. Invisible from the street, this hidden gem has been suitably nicknamed "Top Secret Garden". The terrace is divided into different zones with large screen walls to create intimacy, privacy from neighbouring properties – a welcome addition considering the terraces outdoor shower - and shelter from the wind, while efficiently making the most of the surrounding space.

The terrace deck and all wooden elements have been built from Kebony Clear and Character. These wood types were chosen due to their low maintenance properties and unique look which matches the impressive high quality of the apartment. This is one of Kebony’s first projects which uses the wood for the exterior of a jacuzzi and outdoor kitchen.
Photos by Jacob Buchard