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Ambius Strelitzia
Ambius leads the way in designing healthier spaces and safer environments. It’s our team of experts and service professionals who set us apart – by delivering leading innovations and the highest levels of service in the industry. The specialists at Ambius have an attention to detail that is unparalleled in the industry. No matter the size of the project, our team is here to make your vision a reality. If you need a little help with the vision, we can help with that, too. With over 50 years of experience, our experts have a deep understanding of the built environment’s impact on brand reputation. Through interior landscaping, living green walls, scenting solutions, and hygiene services, we design, install, and service consistently superior experiences for any commercial space.
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The White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai), from South Africa and named after Tsar Nicholas I, is a large, glossy-leaved plant from the Strelitziaceae family. Its dark green, lance-shaped leaves can reach up to 2m, and it blooms striking white and blue flowers resembling a bird of paradise in late winter or early spring. It requires bright indirect light and plenty of water during the growing season, with well-draining soil to avoid waterlogging. Nutrient-rich soil and regular fertilization are beneficial. While it can be outdoor in summer, it must be protected from frost.the winter.

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