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Superwood SW08 Stolper
Superwood A/S is a Danish company that has developed and patented a technology for complete impregnation of wood, without the use of heavy metals and solvents. Superwood impregnation is a revolutionary, efficient, and environmentally friendly technology that protects the wood into the very core. Therefore, wood and cladding from Superwood has an extremely longe lifetime. At the same time Superwood impregnation is environmentally friendly and gentle. The wood is protected against rot and mold from the outside to the inside, without the use of heavy metals and organic solvents. Since the process also takes place without the use of water, the tree is dry and usable immediately after impregnation.
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Superwood® technology is a patented process for impregnation of whitewood spruce.  CO2 is used to transport nano-particles of impregnation throughout the board using supercritical phases technology. This process protects and significantly prolongs the life expectancy for Superwood treated external cladding. Superwood is environmentally friendly, does not contain any heavy metals and uses only whitewood spruce from FSC-certified forests in the Nordic countries.
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